Thursday 27 August 2015


Oh, you lucky peeps!  Here's a rare BBC TV
interlude featuring some MARX 'Bump 'n' Go' (or
'Tricky Action' if you prefer) DALEKS, and a few
other assorted toys.  A nice slice of the '60s.


  1. Love it! The ending does make me smile. I feel like getting the video camera out and creating my own mini masterpiece.

  2. I already made mine, Scoop. Look back a few posts for Dancin' Daleks.

  3. Nice video, Kid. Don't know if you (or other Crivites in the Glasgow area) know of this, but Forbidden Planet in Glasgow are selling loads of hardback Marvel Masterworks for £19.99 (reduced from £52.99, according to the price stickers). Might be a few bargains to be had.

    I bought Dr Strange vol.1 (almost the entire Ditko run) and Marvel Rarities, which is full of obscure but nice stuff!

    PS - not sure if this was the best place to post this, but feel free to move it if you prefer!

  4. Thanks for that, DD. I'll maybe do a little post about it (and give you a mention).

  5. You kiddin'? Only about three people read this blog.

  6. Smaller than that - you're one of the three.

  7. Dunno about that "baby" ending, it's the doggy humping a Dalek that disturbed me!
    Wish I had a FP near to me, right now, DD! Nearest one is in Newcastle. I may just hop on the train........

  8. I don't know if every FP has a sale on the books, JP - might be best to check first.


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