Monday 13 July 2015


Back in 1978, the trailers for the then-upcoming
SUPERMAN The MOVIE weren't all that great,
in my estimation.  However, the 35th Anniversary
trailer (edited by a fan, I believe) was much more
entertaining.  Take a look for yourself and see if
you agree or not.  I'm sure you'll tell me.


  1. I don't remember much about the trailers, weren't they kind of teasers: 'You'll believe a man can fly,' that kinda stuff. It had a massive press campaign, full page ads in all the dailies, shame the flick wasn't that much cop. What did you think of Superman Returns?

  2. I thought that it was a brilliant film, but I was much younger at the time. Still stands up well 'though. Superman Returns? Some good moments, but disappointing overall.

  3. What? A Superman wearing bright colours that doesn’t mope around, frown and scowl? He's not even trying to be a Goth! It’ll never catch on...

  4. You're right, AJ! He needs to be darker, grimmer, badder, gayer - that's what the public wants!

  5. Yeah, when are the film makers gonna bring back fabric costumes? Batman suffers most, with rainwear monthly fetish gear, there's a couple of fan flicks that got close to getting it right. And he doesn't wear black face paint around his peepers, he's got glow in the dark eyes OK?

  6. I don't think that face paint around his eyes is meant to be face paint, DSE. It's supposed to be the mask.

  7. I recall Bat-eye makeup being a subject of amusement some time ago, conjuring images of him applying the makeup as he drives into Gotham City! I agree with Kid though the its supposed to be part of the mask (it clearly isn’t). Best example of this is in ‘Batman Returns’ when he tears his mask off for Catwoman at the end of the film. There is a clear ‘cut’ between him tearing the mask off and the reveal of his face. I did like the way he activated the lenses in the cowl in ‘Batman Forever’ though... These movies have lost me now, I may well watch them but only when they become dvd bargain bin stock I will not be rushing out to see them (a great shame as the younger version of me had been patiently waiting for these movies!) I know Superman, and that’s not Superman. Don’t even get me started on the way the Joker looks in the Suicide Squad movie...

  8. You're right, AJ, the new Superman isn't the real one. Everyone knows that the real one wears his bright red pants on the outside. Haven't seen the trailer for the Suicide Squad movie yet. Don't know if I'll bother looking it up. Wasn't the Suicide Squad an army mag?

  9. Not the one I was talking about...(The Joker might have given that away somewhat ;) ) Just think of the Brave and the Bold louder with fast cars, tight clothes, bright colours and explosions and then join me in the corner as we try to forget what they are doing to our beloved characters! If you haven’t seen what they have done to the Joker yet, I envy you.

  10. I envy me too - I'm such a great guy.


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