Sunday 12 July 2015


Going by the look of HENRY CAVILL in the upcoming MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. movie, he'd make a good JAMES BOND.  Maybe not so surprising, considering that IAN FLEMING also created NAPOLEON SOLO.  Cop a gander.


  1. His voice is a bit like Vaughn's but the quiff needs more hairspray. His Bond potential puts him in the Dalton/Broson mould, bit too oily to carry off thug antics convincingly. I think Colin Farrell would've had a decent chance, except that his Bullseye seriously dented his credentials. The Papers have been putting all sort of minces up for the part, one of 'em's even ginger, flips sake. I'd give the part to James McAvoy, possibly Tom Hardy.

  2. There IS a hint of Vaughn in his voice, while still sounding British, I think. The movie looks to have a hint of 'camp' about it, but I feel Cavill could pull off the Bond part if he left that element out of his performance. James McAvoy as Bond, DSE? Pants! Looks too young, not tall enough, and doesn't have the voice for it. Tom Hardy I don't know - what's he been in?

  3. I like McAvoy for the role, yeah he is a bit young yet but the roles probably not open for another few year and his career is looking like he wants a steady role. Hardy's my outsider, He's probably more in the running for a villain though, he's a bit too moody to taken seriously as a chick slayer. Trouble is, most Brit actors are a bit too gay for Bond, most yank ones too these days, so it's a of case scratching around for an actor with a bit of gritty about him and McAvoy's done a bit of that.

  4. Nah, he doesn't have the physical presence for the role. It's a shame they ditched Brosnan - I felt he had a couple of more movies in him at least. If they'd changed the idea of Bond being at the start of his career as a double 0, and instead had him being reinstated after a suspension, I think that they could have made Casino Royale with Brosnan, shot-for-shot, and it would have been just as effective. It would also have avoided the inconsistencies that the reboot created.

  5. I could have gone along with a reboot if they had really wiped the slate clean, but, as you say, there were inconsistencies. In fact, Skyfall seemed to be trying to reboot the reboot, and put things back (as much as possible) to the way they were before.

    What annoys me about the UNCLE trailer is that it appears that it will start with Solo and Illya disliking and distrusting each other at first. That's become a cliche in action movies based on old TV shows and comic strips: The Lone Ranger, The Wild Wild West, The Green Hornet.

  6. I just hope it's not too camp, TC, as the early TV episodes were played straight - before the influence of the Batman show corrupted them.

  7. While I'm wary of any film that litters its trailer with just about every witty line that its characters have, as a big fan of the Man From U.N.C.L.E. I have to admit that I'm eager to see this new Solo/Kuryakin pairing, as well as Ritchie's treatment of the concept. The trailer has me feeling like I'm watching a hybrid of James Bond and Maxwell Smart, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. :D

  8. It'll certainly be interesting to see the result, CF. I just hope that Ritchie does it justice so that it doesn't require our mercy.

  9. Well, I finally saw it, and it could have been a lot worse. Of course, after "The Lone Ranger," anything would be an improvement for Armie Hammer.

    It is basically an action-adventure spy movie with some comedy relief, somewhat similar to the 1960's Bond movies and the first two seasons of the U.N.C.L.E. TV series, as opposed to the out-and-out camp of the 1966-67 TV season (Batman, season 3 of U.N.C.L.E., and season 2 of The Wild Wild West, all of which differed from Get Smart mainly by not having a laugh track). It is lighter in tone than the Daniel Craig Bond films, but straighter than Our Man Flint, or Dean Martin as Matt Helm.

    Fans of the TV show may dislike some of the changes. I didn't much care for making Illya into a thuggish Rambo type. Cavill does play Solo in a Robert Vaughn style without being slavishly imitative.

    There is a plot twist involving a secondary character that is almost suspiciously similar to the latest Mission Impossible movie. Also, Solo's back story is too much like Harry Palmer ("The Ipcress File," "Funeral in Berlin"). And U.N.C.L.E. itself is not even mentioned until the very end. The movie is basically an origin story, and a set-up for a subsequent series. Which means if this movie is not profitable enough to justify sequels, it will seem pretty pointless.

  10. Thanks for that, TC. I'm still undecided whether to trot along to the cinema to see it, or just wait until it comes out on DVD. Thank goodness it isn't camp 'though.


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