Monday 20 July 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Here we are again with three more issues of The COMPLETE FANTASTIC FOUR for you to paste your palpitating peepers on.  One of the better MARVEL U.K. weeklies of the '70s, it had a short lifespan, alas, but is yet fondly recalled by readers who purchased it at the time.  Were you one of them?

So let's return to yesteryear and live again those heady days of our youth.  Don't worry if you weren't around at the time - you're invited too.  Ready?  Then fasten your seatbelts and let's go!


  1. I had every single issue of The Complete FF but looking back on them now it was definitely the original Lee/Kirby stories that I preferred - I missed the first two years of Marvel UK so I'd never read them before. I didn't like Rich Buckler's Kirbyesque art then and I still don't like it.

  2. I got them for the classic tales as well, CJ. They reminded me of when I'd first read them in the '60s, and again in the early '70s. Happy days.

  3. Kid, do you know what the credits for 'tones' refer to? I'm assuming it was something to do with making the pages more suitable for black and white print, but do you know any more?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. The credit was for the person who applied what we call Letratone (called Zipatone in the U.S.), to give the pages the grey tones and add a bit of depth to them, DD.

  5. Aha, I'd never really considered that before, but that first splash page in particular looks really good with the grey tones added (although what the character on the left is doing with his right hand is something perhaps best not dwelt on...)

  6. That's obvious, DD - he's scratching an itch.


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