Wednesday 1 July 2015


Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS.  Copyright DC COMICS

Congratulations Crivvies!  You've all waited patiently for the next part in the NEAL ADAMS' BATMAN cover gallery, and your patience is now rewarded with yet another instalment in this scintillating series.  I could wax eloquently about the amazing artistry of one of the greatest comicbook illustrators of all time, but why delay you from perusing the pulse-pounding piccies that await your gaping gaze?

I knew you'd see it my way.  Go to it, tiger!  (Did I really just type "tiger"?  Hell's Bells!)

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils by NEAL ADAMS, inks by DICK GIORDANO

Pencils by NEAL ADAMS, inks by DICK GIORDANO

Pencils by NEAL ADAMS, inks by DICK GIORDANO

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS


  1. Great stuff by my all-time favourite comic book artist. I used to have quite a few of these books back in the day but sadly I have only held onto about 3 of them (some now in a very tatty condition due to over use). Adams did a ton of covers for lots of DC titles but rarely (apart from Batman and Detective) did he also draw the comic strip itself which could be a bit of a let down especially when the interior art was drawn by a poor artist (as some DC comics in the early 70s could be). The “Batman” issue 255 however has always been one of my all-time favourite comics with a great Adams and Cardy cover and some excellent Adams interior artwork………… and a werewolf !!! what more could any 11 year old lad want? - sadly the rest of the book contained (imho) some pretty below par strips.

  2. Although I have a few of these comics in my collection, McScotty, I scan these covers from my 3 book set, Batman Illustrated by Neal Adams, to save time. So the covers he drew are included, but if he didn't draw the story inside, it doesn't appear. That means I can't check out the stories in those issues to check them out, but I'll take your word as to their quality.


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