Tuesday 30 June 2015


Not too long ago, I realized that I hadn't had a WALNUT WHIP in many a year, so I promptly bought one.  I was a little disappointed to see that the chocolate covering was no longer the rough-hewn, twirly, seemingly individually poured masterpiece (above) I remember from my youth, but a smooth, characterless, mass-produced, mould-formed coating that was less appealing to my eye.

Sometimes they're right - you can't go home again.  Not unless you've got photographic evidence of where you lived.  Oo-er, that's a bit too abstract - even for me.  Do any of you recall these tasty treats - and when did you last have one?


  1. I still have them from time to time, but often hark back to the good old days. I was like that about Beef Monster Munch, I was pleased when they brought them back (but miss the fact that they are clearly smaller is size)Swings and roundabouts... I would gladly go back in time just for the food at times! A can of Hubba-Bubba lemonade and a packet of salt and vinegar Ghostbusters crisps please! (sigh)

  2. I remember 'em, Marks & Sparks used to make a version with two bits of walnut, one on the top, one embedded in the base. I avoid nuts lately though.

  3. And what about Aztec bars, Super Mousse, Bar Six, Fry's 5 Centre, Spangles - and soft drinks Zing and Cresta? They're calling to me now, AJ.


    I saw what you did there, DSE. (He'll come and getcha!)

  4. Mrs Jones often harks back to Aztec bars! I saw a book in WH Smiths about a year ago devoted to sweets and snacks from the past. I may have to look out for it again. I was reminiscing about vanilla coke a couple of years back, I researched it further and bought the ingredients needed to make my own! It was very nice too, a month later the re-released it...

  5. I might look out for that book myself, AJ. Had a can of Vanilla Coke just a few days ago - think it was my first.

  6. And last? Its an acquired taste, much prefer it to the lemon one that looses its flavor as you drink it! (my opinion) I've been trying to remember the title of that book, I think it might have been the Great British Tuck Shop...

  7. It was okay, nothing brilliant. I was expecting it to taste like a Cola Float, but it didn't. I used to collect old sweet wrappers many years ago, and it's something I've started doing again. I loved the pale blue, cream and gold Galaxy wrapper of the late '60s. early '70s.

  8. I’m afraid I love this sort of thing(I assume you’ve seen my Monster Munch blog? Its long due for an update!)

  9. I've popped in once or twice, I think, AJ. I'll pay it another visit soon.


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