Tuesday, 21 July 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS and CPI

NEAL ADAMS at his best.  I'm not quite sure why the colours of the cover and the original art are different; perhaps the cover colour was boosted or the art has faded over time - if you know, please tell!


  1. In the UK 'Savage Sword' monthly 'Black Colossus' appeared, if I'm correct, with a completely different cover and the cover shown here was used for a different story - Marvel UK totally messed up the order that the U.S. 'Savage Sword' stories had appeared in. I didn't actually discover that fact until 2008 when I bought Volume 1 of the Dark Horse 'Savage Sword' reprints and didn't get the stories I was expecting - it did feature 'Iron Shadows In The Moon' though which was the story I'd mainly bought the collection for.

  2. Say, you look much better in your new avatar, CJ - I prefer it to the old one. I bought the Dark Horse softcovers of the Conan The Barbarian colour monthly, but they were less than perfect so I quit with volume four.

  3. Kid, you've wounded me - every day I look forward to seeing your cheery avatar but you'd rather see a tree than my own friendly visage, oh well. Actually I've been trying a few different avatars and I may return to my own photo (but not the exact same one as I deleted it), I haven't decided yet. I bought some of the Dark Horse Conan The Barbarian softcover volumes too - and I've also bought some of Dark Horse's own version of Conan which started in 2004, I don't think it's a patch on Marvel's version though. The Dark Horse adaptation of 'Iron Shadows In The Moon' was rather "meh" unlike the excellent Marvel version which I first read way back in 1978 in a Conan Treasury Edition - I didn't read the Robert E. Howard original until 2010.

  4. I would be surprised if the colour discrepancy where the result of fading alone. Indeed, washes are notorious for being fugitive under light, why you should keep your watercolours in a drawer, not on the wall. Repographic pigments are not the most colour fast, so some fading probably has occurred but I'm guessing it made more sense to beef up the colour at process stage, rather than it being a case of an editorial request. You could possibly ask him, after a bit of buttering up, he does seem quite responsive on his Youtube pages.

  5. Yes, I must confess that I'm a right handsome buggah in that avatar - no wonder women adore me. I was only about 25 or 26 in that photo, believe it or not. I could never enjoy Conan once Marvel gave up the rights.


    Tell you what, DSE - you butter him up and ask him, then tell me. I didn't get a Blue Peter badge in laziness for nothing, you know. (I paid someone to steal it for me.)

  6. I can't use YT, they wont let me post comments. I'm sure me ol' mucker Neal would give up the goods though if I did ask him: remember me Neal, I was the fan queueing for autographs with the extra durable anorak?

  7. Of course he remembers you, DSE - I hear he speaks of you fondly.


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