Friday 17 July 2015


Commenter Phil will be a
happy man.  He suggested ELKE
SOMMER as a Babe of the Day and
here she is!  Now that's what I call a
result!  (And I know for a fact
that Elke fancies me rotten.)


Anonymous said...

Kid, I suggested Dorothy Lamour and Sally Knyvette (from Blake's Seven) but they haven't appeared - is this favoritism towards Phil ??? :)

Kid said...

Not favoritism exactly - he sent a cheque first.

TC said...

Elke was yet another actress whose potential was often wasted. "Deadlier Than the Male" and "The Wrecking Crew" showed how good she could be as a femme fatale, but she was usually stuck in underwritten parts playing some guy's bland girlfriend.

TC said...

Well, I suggested several actresses and rock singers, but my check didn't clear. ;)

Kid said...

Just send another one, TC, and we'll try and sort things out.

Phil said...

She was worth the wait! And yes rather like Jill St. John, she just didn't get as many roles as the 70s rolled on. Pity.

Kid said...

I'd have given her a roll any day. What's that? You said 'role'? Oh, sure - that as well.

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