Friday 29 May 2015


Images copyright relevant owner

From 1970 to '93, there were 24 WHIZZER & CHIPS Annuals issued, one for each coming year.  That means that if you got that first book when you were a kid, by the time the last one was published, there was a good chance that you were a parent with children of your own.  The thought that a series of Annuals can span the period of childhood to adulthood is one that boggles my mind, because when you see them together on a bookshelf (not that, in this instance, I have all of them), it's difficult to appreciate the length of time they represent.

Anyway, enjoy seeing the last six Annual covers from a weekly comic that lasted from 1969 to 1990.  Paradoxically, that 21 years seems far longer than it was, as well as no time at all at the exact same moment.  Don't ask me how that's possible, it just is.

BONUS: In 2014, over 20 years after the last Annual appeared, EGMONT released a 'best of' book, featuring various selections of strips from previous Annuals between '71 & '85.  The very first cover was utilised for this publication, thus bringing things nicely full circle.  Will there be another one this year?  Only time will tell.

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