Friday 29 May 2015


Today's babe is LEE MERIWETHER.
Now isn't she the cat's pyjamas!


  1. OMG! She's PAWgeous!

  2. I saw her first - she's mine!

  3. Indeed, DSE. I'd better go - she's wanting her Whiskas.

  4. My second 'on screen' crush when the Batman movie played my local cinema in the 60s. My first was Honey Langtree the female drummer in the Honeycombs. Can remember seeing them play on the telly and my mother telling me the drummer was winking at me. At that age I thought that I could be seen by those galavanting around on screen. No wonder I did literally hide behind the sofa when the Daleks started acting mean!


  5. I've heard of the Honeycombs, Ken (Have I the Right), but I don't remember ever seeing them. I'll Google her later (oo-er, missus). I think my first 'on-screen' crush was Venus from Fireball XL5.

  6. I always thought it was a brave piece of casting to put Ertha Kitt into the Catwoman role. The Catwoman persona certainly wasn't a stretch for her as her on stage act was all about the singing and the purring. She came across as more sinister and threatening than either of the other two felines. Holy cats whiskas Batman!


  7. That's probably true to an extent, Ken, although I think that Julie Newmar had a hint of the psychotic about her. Lee Meriwether was just too sexy for words, and, as Catwoman, it did seem that she was attracted to Batman. However, I'd have to watch every episode again to make up my mind on which one fitted the role best.

  8. How much braver would it have been if the producers had the Kitt Catwoman and Batman have a bit of on screen romance. I wonder if they had kissed would it have predated the iconic Kirk/Uruha kiss? Probably a step too far for the still racially intolerant American1960s when the sponsor's $ in the South called the shots. But as I say it was brave to cast Miss Kitt in the first place.

    Holy civil rights Batman!


  9. Definitely brave, Ken, but I don't think they'd have been brave enough to have the first inter-racial kiss on a kids' show. Interestingly, Julie Newmar didn't like the fact that Catwoman had a 'thing' for Batman, and wished that she had been allowed to play the part as pure evil.


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