Monday, 18 May 2015


Luxuriant hair, dreamy eyes, strong features -
but that's enough about me.  Here's big FRANK
to set the pulses racing amongst female fans!


  1. Maybe it's just me but I think Boris Karloff is the only one who can pull off that look - anybody else dressed as the Frankenstein monster just looks daft. Just think - in 3 or 4 years time we might have a Prime-Minister called Boris.

  2. Bela Lugosi looked daft, Lon Chaney Jr. jutted out his jaw in an attempt to look more Karloffian (and did an honourable job, I think), and Glenn Strange looked okay when he was lit right. In fact, in some stills I've seen, he does look quite like Karloff to a degree. Interestingly, his Frankie would've towered over Boris's as he was a much taller man.

  3. Yeah CJ's right, Boris is the only one who gives the monster range, that: menace and subtle naivety. Too much of Lenny about Chaney's version and Lugosi, although an extremely charismatic screen presence is just miscast.

  4. As far as giving the monster range (and a soul) I'm in perfect agreement, DSE - I've said as much on this blog before. However, given the impossibility of the task, I feel that Chaney and Strange did better than expected, especially when portraying the monster as a huge, lumbering engine of destruction. Ironically, the increasing nature of that very quality being the very thing that drove Karloff from the part.


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