Monday 18 May 2015


Voluptuous VALERIE LEON appeared in The
AGAIN, which double-qualifies her as a 'BOND BABE'.
With a chassis like that, she should be standard issue in the
dashboards of all cars in case of accidents.  Trouble is, guys
would be crashing their cars on purpose if Val was a sub-
stitute for air bags.  And who could blame 'em?


  1. I don't remember her in Never Say Never Again - I think that photo is from 'Blood From The Mummy's Tomb' which is the film I most associate her with as well as 'Carry On Girls'.

  2. And the Hai Karate ads (and a spoof of the ads in the Goodies). Yeah, I think the pic is from that movie as well, CJ. Val was the burd on the boat that fishes Bond out of the sea in NSNA.

  3. Yes, not forgetting the aftershave ads of course. I only assumed that photo was from 'Blood From The Mummy's Tomb' because of the background design which looks a bit ancient Egyptian - it's quite an enjoyable film and, as far as I know, it was the only one in which Valerie Leon was the leading actress. I'm surprised there weren't more - last year I watched the entire first season of 'Space: 1999' on YouTube and she was in one of the episodes but it was a tiny blink-and-you'd-miss-her role. You'd think such a striking woman would have been more widely used than just bit parts and aftershave adverts !

  4. Perhaps it was assumed that she wasn't much of an actress? When you look THAT good, it's not your acting abilities that movie-makers hire you for, I suppose.

  5. Well, I haven't seen 'Blood from The Mummy's Tomb' for a long time but Valerie Leon seemed okay as an actress to me - as good as any of the other Hammer actors. By the way, Kid - did you know that 'Blood from The Mummy's Tomb' was based on a Bram Stoker story called 'The Jewel Of The Seven Stars' ?

  6. Personally, I'm quite prepared to accept that Val is, at the very least, a perfectly competent actress, but even if she was the best actress in the universe, her acting skills could never match her beauty - and it seems that her beauty is what producers noticed when casting parts. If I ever knew that the movie was based on a Bram Stoker tale, CJ, I'd long since forgotten.


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