Wednesday 13 May 2015


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Lucky chap that I am, I managed to get a copy of the current issue of HAUNTED HORROR #16 today.  This ish contains the tale to which I posted a link several posts back, The MAN Who OUTDISTANCED DEATH, and contains six other supernatural stunners besides.  Here's a view of the splash pages to encourage all you frantic Criv-ites to rush out and buy your own copy (each, that is - not one between you).  I haven't yet read the other six spooky stories, but the price is worth it for the first tale alone!  One to grab while it's going!


  1. THis is an interesting -looking anthology. I take it they're all Fawcett horrors? ( a subject I know very little about!) I'd like to read that "Stolen Brain" story!

  2. JP, the mag usually features tales from different publishers. If you use the link in 'The Man Who Outdistanced Death' post, the story before it is the brain one. In fact, the complete issue is on Karswell's site.

    1. Cheers Kid, I'll do just that .I'll have a wander over there later.

  3. Remember to wander back - can't have you getting lost, JP.


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