Tuesday 5 May 2015


Blonde bombshell BRIGITTE
BARDOT is today's Babe of the Day.
Who'll it be tomorrow?   Don't know
 yet.  Come back then and find out.


B Smith said...

This is more like it!

A. Codger

Kid said...

You mean you didn't like any of the previous babes? Gasp!

John Pitt said...

If I had to nominate the most beautiful girl in the world, this is my choice.

Kid said...

I think there are far too many beautiful girls in the world to choose just one, JP.

Phil said...


Kid said...

Ta for the link, Phil - looks like an interesting site.

Anonymous said...

My mother always pronounced her name as Bridgit Bar dot (pronounced exactly as it looks) which was a lot less alluring than the proper French pronunciation of Breegeet Bardo. I remember in the '80s 'The Sun' had a picture of her on its' front page where she had a very lined face and the headline was something like "Look what sunbathing has done to Bardot's looks" which was rather cruel - typical of The Sun though, exploit women's looks and...ahem, other assets...when they are young and then mock them later.

Kid said...

True, CJ - but she did turn into a bit of an old trout in later years, it has to be said.

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