Thursday 9 April 2015


Copyright MARVEL COMICS, Conan copyright CPI

Above is the free gift poster that came with issue #1 of The TITANS.  Below are the centre-spread posters that started in issue #2.  Someone got the numbering mixed up because they couldn't work out if the colour poster should be counted or not, but don't let that confuse you - none are missing.

Click to enlarge, click again for optimum size.


  1. Cheers Kid, I did have thumbnails of these before, but yours are much better!
    ( Natch! )

  2. Natch indeed, JP. Everything's much better on this blog. Members get to comment on virtually any subject they want, are allowed to express themselves, receive thought-provoking responses, engage in lively debate and not get personally insulted for their beliefs, whatever they happen to be. Now if only other blogs were this good.

    1. Mind I have spotted a touch of sexism creeping into some of the posts! There's a bit of a bawdy element. Complaints may be made.
      ( Whaa-haa-ha-ha! )

  3. Yup! Even the sexism is better on this blog - as are the complaints.

  4. I started getting The Titans at No.2 so I missed that terrific colour poster - this is the first time I've ever seen it. The first No.1 issue I had was Captain Britain No.1 by which time they'd decided that the readers would prefer a crappy cardboard mask as a free gift rather than a colour poster :(

  5. Thanks for these. I really love Captain Marvel's first white and green space suit and it's neat to see two images featuring that look I've never glommed before. Thanks again.

    Rip Off

  6. The poster had originally been a convention poster, CJ. The Titans logo was added for its reprinting in Britain. Glad you've finally seen it.


    A pleasure, Rip - glad you enjoyed it. That original costume did have it's own kind of charm.

  7. These are a bit better than I recall (although I think some were really poorly drawn) didn't Frank Hampson draw a series of these posters (or was that in Super Spider-Man)

  8. Truth to tell, some were pretty awful, McScotty. (They cried out for colour, which would've 'rescued' them somewhat.) Yes, the Hampson drawings were in Super Spider-Man, which I re-acquired last year (the 2 issues, I mean). They'll no doubt make an appearance eventually.

  9. The colour poster was and is excellent.
    It adorned my wall for many years.
    I was never a fan of the others.

    Colour would not have helped Kid,my wee brother tried it a couple of times with his nasty thin felt pens!

  10. Ah, but Baab, that's hardly the type of colour I was thinking of. (As you well knew, you joker.)

  11. That Buscema/Sinnott poster is gorgeous. That will always be the "look" of Marvel for me.

  12. Buscema was certainly hard to beat, Dougie. Kirby was a tough act to follow, but big John did it magnificently.

  13. Hey Kid,
    I'm looking at a framed copy of that same colour Titans poster on the wall of my 'den', mounted beside a framed copy of the glossy colour poster also free with Superheroes # 1.
    I had both posters on my bedroom wall back in the 70s, but had to buy copies of both comics off e-bay in order to re-acquire them for mounting. I was recently looking through my copy of 'How to Draw Comics The Marvel Way' and my original folded copies of both posters fell out from the back pages. I must have put them there for safekeeping many years ago and completely forgot I still had them!
    Cheers, Big D

  14. Regarding that 'The Super-Heroes' poster, when I moved house in 1983, I couldn't take mine with me as it was glued to the wall. I had a spare issue of #1 which I'd bought in 1975, but didn't want to remove the poster from the comic. Sometime in '83 or '84, I bought another copy of SH #1 with poster from AKA Comics (which was then in the Virginia Galleries), and when I got it home, it also had the Savage Sword of Conan poster inside. They'd never been removed, so it must have been a mistake at the printers. They're both up on my wall as I type, and I've still got my original spare issues of each comic (with posters) that I bought back in '75.

    I've also still got my original 'The Titans' #1 with poster, plus a spare poster which I affixed on a cardboard backing. Once I've finished decorating my back room (still to start), I'll be putting it up on the wall.

  15. Hey Kid,
    I recently bought Super Spidr-Man # 158 off e-bay so I could get the "free full colour spider-man poster inside!", which also used to adorn ny bedroom wall in the 70s.
    Now it's just a question of trying to re-arrange the pictures on the crammed walls of my 'den' In order to squeeze it in somewhere!
    Cheers, Big D

  16. I've always been curious about that Silver Surfer (and X-Men?) poster from Superheroes #1. Any chance of posting a scan or picture of it? Was it an original piece or re-purposed from other material?

  17. I can't remember what that poster looked like, BD, I'll have to look it up and remind myself. I must've had it.


    It was sourced from different places, JS, although the Angel figure may have been drawn for it. I can't photograph it at the moment because that side of my wall is obscured by boxes, but I'll get around to it at some stage.

  18. Any chance this is the SH poster?

  19. That's the very chappie, JS. But £125? I wouldn't have thought it worth anywhere near that.


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