Thursday, 9 April 2015


Here's a blonde bombshell any man
would be proud to be seen with on his arm.
So what if she's only 2 feet tall and a puppet!
 What are you?  Some kind of bigot?


  1. How about some Little Annie Fanny and Oh, Wicked Wanda? Or do you consider them too hardcore for Crivens? :)

  2. Now you see, for me, I always preferred Rhapsody Angel!

  3. I don't have any examples of those strips in my collection, Irmy, and they probably ARE just a bit too near the knuckle. (My standards are low, but not quite that low. I'm talking about subject matter, of course, not the standard of artwork.)


    That's all right, JP. You can string them both along. (See what I did there?)

  4. When I was six, what impressed me was the cool spaceship. I was just too young to appreciate a hot blonde with a sexy French accent.

  5. I was impressed by both, although, admittedly, I probably didn't know her accent was supposed to be French.

  6. Here's a question, did Venus ever drop the grin? I think I recall her having to cover her face when anything unpleasant was in the offing, so her gleaming choppers wouldn't seem so incongruous.

  7. I don't remember, DSE, and I'd have to go through every episode to check for sure. They probably rearranged her eyebrows to suggest shock, horror, surprise, etc., when required.


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