Friday 17 April 2015


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Do you remember when The DANDY was good - before the awful abomination it became in the last few years of its existence?  Can you recall when well-drawn comic strips were the norm and not the exception, and the artwork was clear and didn't induce a headache while trying to discern what you were looking at?  When the lettering was legible and not an ugly scrawl that made your eyes hurt?  Then you'd have loved the 2000th issue that hit the shops in 1980, and which was typical of the high-standard to which the periodical was produced week after week for many years.

And now, due to the fact that I took possession of the issue today, you can now peruse perfect examples of strip art at its finest, when The Dandy was still a name to be reckoned with in the days when Britain had a comics industry to speak of; before the title became a shadow of itself that drove readers away in their many thousands and those responsible for hastening its demise denied any culpability and behaved like prima-donnas who deserved sainthood rather than the blame which was so rightly theirs.

Of course, we're all trying to forget that dreadful period of the comic's history - some folk for different reasons than others.  So enjoy these humorous, well-drawn pages from a time when talented and experienced cartoonists who knew what they were doing regularly entertained their readers, and The Dandy was held in high esteem by kids and parents alike.

Wanna argue?  The comments section awaits.


  1. It's a pity some of the older classics didn't have the lovely colour printing and paper stock of the newer version would have been nice to have seen Leo Baxendales etc work in that format.

  2. I'm in two minds about that, McScotty. On the one hand, I agree with your sentiment, but on the other, most of these strips were so well drawn that colour, 'though nice, would've been a bonus, not a necessity. It was all about keeping costs down back then, and it worked for a good number of years.

  3. I don't know why, probably because that's how I remember them at their best, but I PREFER certain comics on the cheaper pulp paper. Just save the better glossy paper for the summer specials!

  4. Maybe that's why Summer Specials died out, JP. When the weekly comics became just as colourful, there was nothing 'special' about the Specials.


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