Thursday 16 April 2015


Copyright BBC TV and PANINI

You may already know about this DOCTOR WHO SPECIAL, but I only picked it from WHS today, so I've no idea how long it's been on sale.  Its title?  Well, you can see that for yourself, and rather than me wittering on telling you all about it, just read the spiel on the back cover.  If you're a fan of the good Doc, you'll want this in your collection.  Only £5.99 - and well-worth every penny!


  1. I was in Tesco this morning and they had Dalek themed Easter eggs on sale for £2 reduced to clear so I bought one. I'll eat it tomorrow night with a glass of cider while I'm listening to The Archers :)

  2. I've bought a couple of these Dalek eggs before - I 'eggsterminated' them. (Guffaw!)

  3. I decided to buy one before they went eggstinct, Kid. If I'm right you'd have just turned 5 when the very first episode of Dr. Who was broadcast so were you watching the show from the very beginning ? My earliest TV memory is a fragment from the final Patrick Troughton episode which (I've since discovered) was broadcast in June 1969 when I was 3 years and 4 months old

  4. Looking back, it seems as if I was aware of the show from the very beginning, but I couldn't swear to it. It's a cert that I knew about it from the moment the Daleks made their initial impact 'though. I regard William Hartnell as MY Doctor, so my awareness goes back a long away.

  5. I got mine today, Kid. It only came out yesterday, so you got it on the day of release.
    This special could very well have been put together just for me!
    ( I may even buy a spare!! Bonkers?- You decide!)

  6. It's very nice. One will do me 'though, 'cos I'm running out of space.


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