Monday 23 March 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Okay, so here's a question for you Crivs - exactly how many issues were there of AMAZING FANTASY?  Including, of course, the issues originally called AMAZING ADVENTURES and AMAZING ADULT FANTASY.  Fifteen, right?  Wrong!  Eighteen, in fact.  That's because, back in the mid-'90s, MARVEL published another three issue continuing the numbering from what had once been the final AF featuring SPIDER-MAN.  What you're looking at here is Volume 1, Numbers 16, 17 & 18, thirty-two years after the fact.  These adventures are set between AF #15 and ASM #1, and your collection isn't complete without them.  Straight on to eBay with you.

And below is the most famous issue in the series.


  1. And Journey Into Mystery has reappeared twice - both times renamed from Thor. The most recent one was cancelled in 2013 but no doubt it'll be back again someday.

  2. Yeah, I picked up the first revival of the title - can't remember if I got the second. It was mince anyway.

  3. More continuity problems for my imaginary panini reprints. Add these to them and the untold tales and the flashback series - all in theiir appropriate places, of course.

  4. No doubt there'll be a few more in the coming years, JP.


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