Tuesday 24 March 2015


Remember these little items?  I used to go crazy for them as a kid.  I've got a modern equivalent, bought a few years ago in Glasgow, but one day I must track down an original one.  I've got the baking powder all ready and waiting.  (Update: now got one.)  Anyone else recall these great little free gift toys?  Let's hear all about it.


  1. I remember having a submarine but I think it was an Airfix kit - I'd completely forgotten about it till today.

  2. This sub was only about an inch and a half, two inches long, CJ. Had a few of them as a kid.

  3. I remember them, Kid. - I had quite a few, all different colours. I never did bother putting the baking powder in the spouts, though!
    But the very memory of them instantly transports me back in time to a schoolfriend's ( David Hardy ) front drive, where we were playing with his in a muddy puddle!

  4. I played with mine in the bath (the submarine, I mean). Sometimes the kitchen sink.

    1. You call it whatever you like, Kid, whatever you like....
      Seriously though, could you sense the excitement in my post, when you showed me the box?
      Gotta find some piccies of all 6 colours now!

  5. I gotta find one on eBay.

  6. There is a copy on line of the letters page from a New Scientist journal from 1958 well worth a look. A Royal Navy PO writes that tests on the Kellogg submarine, carried out at the Naval Escape and Rescue Centre, show that the very capable piece of hardware can dive/rise at a depth of 42ft..

    The Russian Naval Intelligence must have been crapping themselves!

    Seems that the subs were a giveaway in the 50s and 60s both here and in the USA/Canada where they were placed in Shredded Wheat, Sugar Smacks, Rice Krispies and Corn Flakes cereal boxes.

    Dive, dive, dive!!


  7. Who'da thunk it, Ken?! An atomic sub powered by baking powder? Whatever next?

  8. Come to think to it, I have a vague recollection from back in the 60s in my local Co-op of a foreign sounding man wearing a Ushanka hat filling his shopping trolley boxes of Kellogg's. Imagine the dire consequences for the West if Russian Intelligence had been able to procure a Johhny Seven! Luckily our Co-op was groceries only.

    We could have all have been getting our pocket money in roubles.


  9. Perish the thought, Ken. Those big furry hats would make my head itch.

    1. Gasp! What about our very own Steve Walker?
      You don't think.... You don't think - they've "got" to him, do you, those pesky commies?
      Perhaps four of us should steal a rocket and fly to Mars, before "they”" beat us to it?

  10. I loved these free gifts often found in sugar puffs,frosties packets etc. Unfortunately,as I had three other siblings to contend with,we agreed that we would take turns at getting whatever freebie came along.
    I still recall the pleasure,when my turn came around,of opening the cereal box and fishing my arm in to retrieve the buried treasure,and of the endless arguments as to whose turn it really was to receive the gift.
    Oh,and the dissapointment when my mum would opt for the cheaper brekkie cereal,which was often!

  11. Ah, happy days, Moony. Whenever I'm in the supermarket (on the servant's day off, obviously) I keep an eye on the breakfast cereals to see if a submarine might be included as a free gift. No luck yet.

  12. I seem to recall, whilst playing in that puddle, a whole fleet of other naval craft as well - battleships, destroyers, etc: I. think they were dark. green? Any memories?

  13. Oh, Stevie's definitely a 'red'. I can hear it in his accent. As for the sub, that's the only one I remember, but I imagine there were different versions. If I were to see a photo of them, it might prompt my memory, but I know there was also a baking soda frogman.

    1. Oh yeah, the frogman, I'd forgotten all about him! I did find that kellogs fleet on EBay. I'll get you a link.

  14. http://m.ebay.com.au/itm/321616223900?_mwBanner=1
    The whole fleet?
    Right, gotta find a pic of that frogman I'd forgotten all about now!

  15. Happy memories of arm diving into cereal boxes to retrieve those freebies. Diving into Sugar Smacks boxes had the added bonus of those lovely sugary pieces of cereal sticking to your arm for a tasty treat.


  16. I love Sugar Smacks, which are no longer available it seems - at least under their original name. You can still get Sugar Puffs 'though, which are the same thing - and came first, I think.


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