Sunday 1 March 2015


I'm pretty sure this is HEATHER
THOMAS, but it also looks a little like
HEATHER LOCKLEAR, who many folk
were always mixing up back in the '80s.  HT
or HL?  Which of the tempting two do you
 think it is?  Have your say now! 


  1. I'm very familiar with Heather Locklear but not at all with Heather Thomas. However, I've done a Google reverse image search and Google insists that it is indeed Heather Thomas.

  2. Kid, it's spelt Heather Locklear, not Lockyear - and that's definitely not her.

  3. That's good to know, Steve - a Scot should know his Heathers.


    You're obviously thinking of Heather Locklear from T.J. Hooker, CJ. I was thinking of Heather Lockyear who IS a hooker, and appeared in Diary of a Hooker on NBC. (I think I got out of that quite nicely. Where's my no-prize?)

  4. I never watched T.J. Hooker, Kid - I remember Heather Locklear from when she was in Dynasty.

  5. Never watched Dynasty (I'm glad to be able to say).

  6. I would like to be "very familiar with Heather Locklear." Or with Heather Thomas, for that matter. :)

    Dynasty was a silly soap opera but a lot of people watched it, because it had Joan Collins and one of the Heathers.

  7. I think I prefer HT over HL, TC, which is ridiculous considering that someone who looks like me can't afford to be choosy.

  8. Never has the invention of Lycra been considered with more gratitude, than the occasion I encountered Heather and her bike.


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