Saturday 28 February 2015



Wow!  Time certainly has a habit of racing away from you, eh?  Who'd believe that it's been 10 months since the last instalment of our super SMASH! Cover Gallery from way back in the late 1960s and early '70s?  WARRIORS Of The WORLD came to an end with its 46th appearance and, after a free gift issue, SIMON TEST became the permanent front cover star for the rest of the comic's run.  So here's yet another half dozen issues to remind you of what you were maybe reading back then, if you're as ancient as I am.  Got any reminiscences associated with these comics?  Then let's have 'em, Criv-ites!


  1. Slowly, but surely, all those boxes are coming down again out the attic, eh?
    But can you remember all the series you were part-way through before the big disaster?
    Nice to see Smash back anyway.

  2. Of course I remember, JP. I have a photographic memory - it just hasn't developed yet. (Boom-boom!)


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