Friday 27 February 2015


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS (and owned by Gerry's pal)

Here's one you won't have seen before.  Drawn by DAVE GOLDING as a commission, it was turned into a cover for the never published ('cos it didn't exist) The TITANS #59 by Gerry, a pal of the piece's owner.  Right, Gerry - your next mission, should you decide to accept it, is to create the rest of the issue.  Well, what're you waiting for?  And why does a comic dated 1976 have a copyright date of 1977?  (I've also added this cover to my previous post on The Titans.)


  1. It looks very nice but it would have been The Avengers on a real Titans #59.

  2. Except that they brought back the FF with this issue due to popular demand, CJ. There was a Bullpen Bulletin inside the mag explaining things. Hee hee!

  3. This pic must be rarer than hen's teeth!
    THANKS for sharing, Kid!

  4. Nae bother, JP. Thanks also to Gerry and his pal for sharing with me to start with.

  5. Love it! Now where's that cover for Marvel Metal No.1 starring Iron Man, Iron Fist, Wolverine and classic strips featuring Magneto! Another fantasy title from the House of Ideas

  6. Not got a scooby, Chris. Maybe Gerry or his pal might know.


    JP, already knew about LN, but I won't be covering at the moment.

  7. Ah, that explains it Kid - actually I'm sorry the FF left The Titans. That may have hastened its' demise. I assume you've heard about the death of Leonard Nimoy ?

  8. I think everyone's heard, CJ. There's been a few too many deaths recently and I want to avoid this blog becoming an obituary column. I'll probably do some sort of tribute to him at a later date. Besides, quite a few other sites have reported it.

  9. Nice work! You had me fooled for a while, since I couldn't figure out who the artist was. A nice Kirby feel to the cover and Sinnott like inks.

  10. It certainly is a belter, Nick. The colouring is excellent, too - even better than a lot of the real covers.


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