Friday 27 February 2015

KID IN THE KOMICS - 2000 A.D. ANNUAL 1991...


Thought that you might like to see the following page from the above 2000 A.D. Annual for 1991, featuring 'fun facts' about yours truly.  The caricature was by NICK ABADZIS (who did a superb job of capturing my devastating good looks and sizzling sex appeal - don't all rush at once, ladies - form an orderly queue), and the page was designed and laid out by STEVE COOK.


  1. You've stayed pretty consistent over the years then, Kid, as most of those subjects have popped up on this blog. Obviously you got around to buying a computer though. We studied the original play of 'An Inspector Calls' in school. I don't remember who Martine Beswick or Debee Ashby were - how transitory is fame.

  2. I feel that I know you a lot better now Kid.

  3. I've been waiting to see this,as I don't recognise this cover, so I can't have bought the annual that year. Also, I'm not familiar with the work of art droid Steve Cook, but you look very similar to your current avatar picture, albeit somewhat metallic. I guess at this time there was a lot of iron in your diet?
    I hope that Tharg was a good alien to work for? Splundig vur thrigg and all that!

  4. Martine Beswick was one of the fighting Gypsy girls in From Russia With Love, and Paula in Thunderball, CJ. Debee Ashby was a Page 3 girl.


    Well, it IS pretty in-depth, AJ.


    Lots of iron, JP. I used to eat metal maltesers.

  5. I wish all comics were as "open" about their creators as 2000AD was... Buster was in its later years, I suppose, but these sort of pages are usually my favourites in 2000AD annuals.

  6. Usually your favourites? You mean you didn't like this one, TSB? (Sob!)

  7. "Usually" in the "collective" sense - as in, including this one!

    "Usually" as in, when I'm flicking through 2000AD annuals, these are the pages I usually read more often than others - that's the one!

  8. I KNEW that, THB, (Wuz only joshing.) What's that? You knew that, too? Okay, we're even.


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