Monday 23 February 2015


Frankly, the only thing
I know about her is she's got an
@rse you could sit a dinner tray
on, but ain't she a babe!  Let's all
now kneel in awe and adoration
of the amazing beauty of KIM


Anonymous said...

This woman is typical of the "famous for being famous" status of so many modern celebrities. And I saw that picture of her gigantic backside too - she won't be so proud of it when she's 70 though.

Kid said...

You never know, CJ - at 70, she may still be able to afford a little 'work' where it's needed.

david_b said...

Sorry, she's STILL an enormous hottie to me. Love the pics.

As long as she doesn't talk, she's fantastic... :)

Kid said...

As long as she doesn't talk? Doesn't that apply to all women?

Doug said...

Colin's right about her "reason" for being famous.

She is typical of the dumbing-down of America. So-called reality TV sucks brain cells out of the unsuspecting. Shoot -- some people watch it with a clear conscience.

I am a curmudgeon.


Kid said...

I'm only vaguely aware of who she is, Doug, to be honest. Never really noticed her before until she bared her derriere in a magazine. But, famous or not, she's a hottie.

Incidentally, British TV has gone the same way - you wouldn't believe the mince that's shown here nowadays. I never watch 'reality' programmes on the grounds that they're inane.

TC said...

I agree with Colin and Doug. It used to be that celebrities were famous for acting, singing, playing a sport, or doing SOMETHING. Now they are "famous for being famous." And their fans watch them shopping, eating, sunbathing, and partying.

There are a lot of beautiful, sexy women out there. Real people, with real jobs. And with three-digit IQ's. All of them are more interesting than Kim or Paris or Nicole or whoever is this week's celebrity airhead.

For my next curmudgeonly rant, I plan to go on about, "When I was young, we had to walk twenty miles to school and back, and it was uphill in both directions."

John Pitt said...

I can't keep up with the Kardigans.

Unknown said...

Spot on from Colin and Doug - No doubt she is cute and sexy looking for someone whose body is 80% (silicone) backside. But at the end of the day she is just another of these pretty looking vacuous bints that relies on sex tapes a famous/ rich daddy and a variety of husbands and lovers to make it, when will folk get tired of these people. Embarrassingly she has some Scottish ancestry on her mums side so I look forward to her TV special tracing her beloved family roots visiting Scotchland and calling it England - saying that I would "go wi her" if she asked me (just don't tell Rachel Riley ..swooon)

Kid said...

Celebrity airheads right enough, TC - and they've usually got a slow leak. However, obviously I'd have a hard time persuading an intelligent woman to go out with me, so I ain't gonna complain about airheads. They're usually more affectionate.


You on the sauce again, JP?


Bad news for you, McScotty. Rachel read what you said and is heartbroken. The good news for me is that she's crying on MY shoulder. (There, there, Rachel, yes , I know - he's a heartless beast. Snuggle closer, luv.)

John Pitt said...

My attempt at humour went over your head. She is in a TV programme called " Keeping up with the Kardigans" - it's like the Osbournes, except nobody knows who the feck they are!

Kid said...

I'm reliably informed, JP, that the name of the programme (which I've never seen) is called 'Keeping up with the Kardashians', so I suspect that your attempt went over more heads than mine. (It always helps if you get the reference right.)

John Pitt said...

But if I'd spelt it right, you all might have thought that I actually watch the tripe!

moonmando said...

Just what kind of magazine did you see her in Kid? Hmmm..... :)

Kid said...

Hah! You didn't spell the word wring, JP, you used a different word. (Nice try 'though.)


Actually, Moony, although her pictures appeared in a magazine, I actually only saw them when they appeared in The Sun. I think the mag they originally appeared in was called 'Paper'.

John Pitt said...

Okay, you caught me out! So I actually like watching it, SO WHAT?
...…But did you SEE the one where Kym went shopping in the mall and bought those shoes that were TOTALLY awesome?
....And then she had that make up over!

Kid said...

Proud to say I've never seen any episodes, JP. When do I get time to watch telly? I'm too busy doing this blog for your entertainment.

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