Thursday 19 February 2015


more than worthy to be a 'Babe of the Day',
don'tcha think, Crivvies?  Utterly stunning,
she's what you'd call a 'sassy lassie with
a classy chassis', sure enough.


  1. I've never seen any of the Pierce Brosnan Bonds but I remember the Goldeneye theme song by Tina Turner when it was in the charts - I thought it was quite good so I'll have a look for it on YouTube. There was also a story by Ray Bradbury called "Dark They Were And Golden Eyed" - no relevance to Bond but I thought I'd mention it :)

  2. There was also a comics and book shop of the same name a good number of years ago. Brian Bolland drew some ads for them, I think.

  3. What a spooky coincidence, Kid :) I assume you already knew that Goldeneye was named after Ian Fleming's house in Jamaica ? I had a look at the Tina Turner theme song - very Bondian and it's amazing to think that the last time I saw that video (in 1995) I was only 29 and the internet barely existed.

  4. Everybody knows that Fleming's bungalow in Jamacia was called 'Goldeneye', CJ. By the way, I meant that the shop was called 'Dark They Were And Golden Eyed', just in case you picked me up wrong and thought I was referring tp 'Goldeneye'.

  5. Kid, I knew what you meant about the shop as I'd read online about it - I was having a little joke which is why I added the smiley face. And did Fleming only have a bungalow in Jamaica - I assumed it would be a mansion with all his wealth and fame !

  6. Well, it was called an estate because it was set in its own land, but the building itself was nothing extravagant. Google search Goldeneye estate for a picture.

  7. I had a look, Kid - yes it is small but very exotic of course and you can imagine Ursula Andress sipping cocktails there after emerging from the ocean (I think she was naked in that scene in the original novel). By the way, did you hear about the death of Louis Jourdan who was in the BBC's Dracula and Octopussy of course. The only line I can remember from Octopussy is when Jourdan says "Mr. Bond, you have a nasty habit of surviving ".

  8. Yes, I noticed he had died, but I hadn't realised he was so old. I remember that line as well. I recall that when the movie was released, the main cast members were being interviewed and Roger, naturally, was the centre of attention. Not wanting to hog the event at Louis' expense, after a while he politely said to the reporters, "Now ask Louis a question!" Mr. Jordan, rather testily, I think, said, "No, they must ask their own questions!", meaning, of course, that Roger shouldn't nudge them in his direction. So much for ol' Rog trying to be nice.


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