Monday 16 February 2015


Here's actress ERIN GRAY, who
we all  lusted over in the '70s when she
in TV show BUCK ROGERS In The
25th CENTURY.  Lucky Buck!


Anonymous said...

Good grief Kid, wherever did you get the idea of featuring Erin grey ? I'm not sure about "lucky Buck" as they just seemed to be friends. I was watching the pilot episode the other day and was amazed to see a scene where Wilma Deering kisses Buck rather passionately and says she's as much a woman as Princess Ardala but Buck pushes her away - I didn't remember that bit at all.

Kid said...

Where did I get the idea? Well, it was all my own, of course. Buck pushes her away? The poof!

Anonymous said...

I also meant I was amazed that Wilma even tried to kiss Buck as I'm sure in the rest of the series she was uninterested in him in that way. It was Princess Ardala who was always lusting after him. All the episodes (or at least a lot of them) are on YouTube so I'll have to watch some more. I looked on BBC genome to see when they were last shown and it was way back in 1996 with the pilot episode last broadcast on August 1st 1998 which is amazing as it seemed only recently that I'd watched them.

Kid said...

I don't think I've seen them (apart from a few, perhaps) since the programme was first shown. I think I saw the first (extended) episode in the cinema - was it released as a movie over here? Maybe I'm imagining it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm positive it was released here as I remember the adverts for it on the back of Marvel's monthlies. I never saw it in the cinema though, only on TV. The series was first shown on ITV in about 1982 - my father used to make homemade pizzas at the time and I always associate them with Buck Rogers, we must have been eating them while watching the show !

Kid said...

Actually, CJ, it was first shown on U.K. TV in August of 1980, so you were probably watching later episodes in '82. (Might even have been repeats.)

Anonymous said...

I know it was shown in theaters in the US. It may have been originally planned as a TV series pilot, but Universal released it theatrically to jump on the "Star Wars" band wagon. The original Battlestar Galactica movie/TV pilot episode also had at least a limited theatrical run.

Erin Gray looked a little young for a colonel, but maybe promotions come fast in the Space Patrol or whatever.


Kid said...

I think it was also because the theatrical release of Battlestar did so well, that they decided to go the same route with Buck, TC. As for Erin, I'd serve under her any day.

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