Thursday 15 January 2015


Copyright relevant owner

In my continual quest to commend classic comics content to all you cracking Criv-ites, I crave you all to conscientiously consider this creepy conflict concerning a captivating concept confoundingly called The CURSE Of The KA!  (You think it's easy writing corny?)  From the sensational SMASH! Annual for 1968 - Part Two follows soon!

Crivens! is currently campaigning for candid and even controversial comments - so why not cooperate by contacting us and contributing your congratulatory, critical, or contentious communications?  Go on!


  1. Curiously I have commented before about continuing to collect these copies from your cornicopia, completely capturing characteristics that correspond to the completist in us. Confused? ( I haven't a clue what complexities I have commeted on in my correspondence! )

  2. Congratulations on competing in this contest to coin a caption consisting almost completely of words beginning with a certain letter or its phonetic compatriot. Calamity awaits you, alas, as I confidently claim the crown with my characteristic class and charisma.

  3. Contrary to what I just said, GB wins it with his customary conciseness, crafted with keen consideration for a couple of ol' codgers like you and me, JP.

  4. Could I credulously conceive congratulations concomitant with Carter's callipygous curves or crivens's creed of creating comic critique?

  5. Course you can.

    (Gotta give me credit for conciseness.)

  6. Curses! No more congratulatery comments about my correspondence! I was quite quick typing characters with a "c" on my keypad, but quite clearly quickness counts for nothing. Considerable controversy will sirround the crowning of a character who clearly can't contribute to the conversation. Call me contentious, call me cantankerous if you like, but please candidly call me captivating in my considerably continuous quest to compete for the crown.

  7. Calm yourself, comrade, no point in concerning yourself with a catastrophe beyond your control. Caper into your kitchen and create a cup of coffee, then consider your current condition and cool your caterwauling at having to concede the crown to some other Criv-ite.


ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED UNREAD unless accompanied by a regularly-used and recognized
name. For those without a Google account, use the 'Name/URL' option. All comments are subject to moderation and will
appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
phraseology may cause offence or upset to other commenters.