Friday 16 January 2015


Today's Babe is naughty but nice NICOLA
BRYANT - definitely DOCTOR WHO's sexiest-
ever female companion.  Disagree?  Hah!  Then
obviously your girlfriend must be a bloke!


  1. I don't know who this is. Which Doctor was she with, see if that jogs my memory?

  2. Peter Davison and Colin Baker, GB. You obviously had your eyes on the Daleks at the time.

  3. By heck, there have been that many of them. Jo, the third Doctor's companion, was a little beauty.

  4. Didn't fill out a bikini so well 'though, did she, JP? (Which is why she probably didn't wear one when she posed with a Dalek.)

  5. Not a big Dr Who fan so rarely watch it and cant recall names but I did like the Doctors assistant Leela ( Louise Jameson) she looked a dangerous wee beauty.

  6. Suppose so, McScotty, but I like 'em with CURVES! (NICOLA - CALL ME! Droooool!)

  7. Had a wee look at Nicola on the web there (wasn't aware of her at all) Mmmmm have to agree on a more er detailed look she is a lovely looking lady that photo (nice at it is) does not do her justice - Nicola dump him call me !!!

  8. Hoi! Get your own burds! (Don't listen to him, Nicola, that avatar photo's a fraud. He's short, fat, bald, and got acne and halitosis.)

  9. Well if Nicola goes oot with me she can expect a fish tea and a pickle (no rude comments now) at the Blue Lagoon in toon all washed down with some Irn Bru - you can't buy class Kid!

  10. Don't need to - I've got it by the bucketload. I'd throw in a beetroot - that's got you beat hands down! (And she prefers American Cream Soda - so there.)

  11. Believe it or not it was only in the last couple of years that I discovered she wasn't really American - all this time I'd thought she really was !!

  12. Good actress then, eh, CJ?


    McScotty, we're both too late. She's going out with some bloke called Bobby. She said she really loves him; he must be Scottish because she pronounced his name 'Boaby'.

  13. lol now will our non Scottish friends get that one???

  14. Let's hop the censors don't, eh?

  15. You'll have to explain that joke, Kid - I suppose it was unfortunate for Nicola Bryant that she was part of Doctor Who at the lowest ebb in its' history although to me the whole of '80s Who was dire.

  16. And your father was Scottish, CJ? You should know these things. (Clue: it's a bit naughty.)

  17. And Nicola Bryant only gets better with age. I saw her at a Doctor Who convention about 10 years ago and she looked even more beautiful than she did in the '80s. Sigh!

  18. Watch when you say things like that, Cer - remember, the wife's looking over your shoulder. (She is in your avatar pic anyway.)

  19. She doesn't mind :-)
    She knows my thoughts on Nicola Bryant...

    Interestingly ( or not )at that same convention Sarah ended up chatting with another Who companion, Sophie Aldred, in the ladies' toilets - the exotic celebrity lifestyle, eh?

  20. You mean celebrities go to the toilet? Gasp! I thought that was only for us mere mortals, Cer.

  21. Oops, that should be 'hope' in one of my above replies, not 'hop'.


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