Tuesday 20 January 2015


Here's a logo I produced for someone a goodly number of years ago, for some place or purpose which I was never quite clear on.  (I think it was for a club, and tee-shirts were mentioned, though I did it for nothing.)  I copied the 'Blazers' style from one of MARVEL's NEW UNIVERSE titles (forget which one), but what you're looking at was hand-lettered and coloured the 'traditional' way - no computers involved.  I think it's pretty darn good - what do you think?


  1. When I DO win that lottery I think you can do the logos for all 24 of my books!
    Did you ever read DP7 from the new universe? I highly recommend it.
    (By the way, did you know that the new universe series was actually named after me, as a tribute?)

  2. I bought at least the first issues of the first batch, but I can't remember if I ever got any more. I've still got whatever ones I got at the time.

  3. I used to drink in Blazes Nightclub, off Charing Cross in Glasgow - not this one, I'm sure; more disco than rock.
    Typography was so much harder in those days - picas and points and so forth - and this one does look nice. Was the red colour bleed into the orange intentional? Whatever, it works.

  4. It was intentional, but the copy I scanned from doesn't do it justice, GB. There's actually 3 hues in the original - red at the bottom, orange in the middle, and a lighter orange at the top. When did you move to Australia?

  5. Moved down under twice, actually. The first time didn't take in the 80s, then again mid-90s. My drinking in Blazes occurred late 70s, my brush with typography occurred in between.

  6. Purely being nosy now, GB, but why Australia - and do yoe see yourself ever returning to Scotland for good?

  7. Simply that my family were here, Kid. The thing that most amazes me now is that I've lived here longer than in Scotland. I've always thought of where I lived as a boy for my first twenty years as 'home', and it's really only in the last few years that it's finally sinking in that that belongs to the past - especially after my holiday back home last year, where at times I felt like a stranger in a strange land.
    There was such a contrast between my memories of the past and what I saw when I was back there. When you miss out on the changes as they happen, it can be disconcerting to be confronted with them all of a sudden. By the end of my time on holiday, I was starting to get a feel for the place again, and it was great to just spend days wandering through the West End and the City Centre without rushing. That sense of 'belonging' is unique to Glasgow for me, mostly because all my formative years were spent there, and all that that entails, and also because all my years with my parents were spent in and around the city. We lived in a tenement in Townhead, then moved away in the Overspill; but Glasgow was always at the heart of our lives.
    That's why a lot of your posts - whether discussing the city or Neal Adams' Batman or rushing home to buy MWOM after school on a Friday or old bars of chocolate or primary/secondary school - can strike such a chord. It seems obvious that a lot of our experiences would be similar in a lot of ways.

  8. That's interesting, GB. I find that it's my early years that I measure the present against, and sometimes I'd like to return 'home' again - even 'though I'm living in the house I first lived in at 13. 'Home' to me 'though, is how things used to be, not as they are now. Glad to know that my Blog provides a little link to the past for you.


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