Tuesday 20 January 2015


JESSICA ALBA proved such a big hit last time,
here she is again as SUE STORM, The INVISIBLE
GIRL.  Though, obviously, in this picture, she's visible.
(Just in case you were confused.  And, incidentally,
if you don't fancy her, you definitely are!)


  1. "...'. .. ........, .... .. ... ....!"

    *In protest at her casting, I've made my comments invisible*

  2. What's to protest about, GB? She's a total darlin'!

  3. Jane Foster : " Dr. Blake, the Invisible Girl's here to see you."
    Don Blake : " Tell her I can't see her."
    ( Because I just HAD to...)!!

  4. Yup, the old ones are the best, JP.

  5. I don't remember her as being particularly miscast. Then again, I don't particularly remember either of the films, despite having seen both of them twice.

  6. I thought the films were okay, Steve, without being particularly memorable. However, I think Jess was perfectly okay as Sue. And like I said - wotta babe!

  7. Yeah, I thought she was miscast as Sue Storm but everyone else in those flicks was swimming against the tide too. I mean: Victor von Doom has tattooed eyebrows, what's that about? Chicklis was OK, but only OK and so was that other guy, Jonny Storm (can't remember his name). Problem was the script made them all a bit too -with it- I think of the FF as being stoic and earnest, perhaps a mite on the stuffy side


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