Saturday 17 January 2015


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Ah, they don't make DENNIS The MENACE Books like these anymore - mainly because they don't make them at all.  The last Dennis Annual came out a few years back and it doesn't look as if the books are destined to return to D.C. THOMSON's publishing schedule any time soon.  Too bad - although, that said, the last few seemed to reflect the TV cartoon more than the comic strip character I knew of old, and I was growing increasingly disenchanted with them.

Never mind.  At least we can still enjoy these wonderful covers from a time before an editorial urge to 'update' everything that was good overwhelmed and diminished that which was already perfect.  Bloody 'new kids' on the block - think they know everything.


  1. Ha, that 1990 cover's brilliant!

    The 1993 book was the first one I ever got, I'd say I have about half of them now...

    Have you got many of the Bash Street Kids annuals? They're a lot of fun - I think the last two or three that were published consisted of nothing but Mike Pearse's longer stories (which is no bad thing!).

  2. I don't have too many at all, THB - perhaps even only the one BSKs Book. It is a Mike Pearse one 'though, and very funny.

  3. Yeah, one of my daughters used to be a fan, but I thought, " What a bloody racket!" All those trousers hanging down and baseball caps on back to front and all that! They thought they were IT! Their Christmas tape was nice though.

  4. Nah, not the pop group, JP (as you well knew), but new, young editors wanting to put their stamp on a comic and usually ruining it in the process. (The Dandy, anyone?)

    1. Of course, what we really need is a " NEW BLOG ON THE KID "!!!!

  5. I didn't get where I am today by not recognising a pun when I see one, JP.

  6. The only Dennis book I owned was the 1978 one from the previous post but that 1989 cover is very similar to the 1978 Beano cover where it's the Bash Street Kids on a space-hopper in the same position.

  7. I must track down an image and take a look, CJ. I'll bet there's loads of examples of similar cover designs on different Annuals.

  8. The last Dennis
    Annual came out a few years back and it doesn't look as if the books are
    destined to return to D.C. THOMSON's publishing schedule any time

    STOCK RESPONSE: I blame the Internet! :-P

  9. Who knows what the problem was, Chris. The internet may have played its part, but there were no doubt other contributory factors. Funnily enough, The Beano Annual was the best-selling Annual in the U.K. in 2014 (although it was drastically reduced in price as Christmas approached), so Annuals aren't quite dead yet. As you'll know, Dennis appears in The Beano, but for some reason his own book couldn't have been selling. Sad.


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