Wednesday 31 December 2014


Red is my favourite colour - and
now you can see why.  Yet another of
of great MARVEL heroines - WANDA,
The SCARLET WITCH!  If you'd like
to see even more of Stephen's amazing
art, visit his site now at this link.


B Smith said...

Wanda Maximoff nuthin'! That's Sophia Loren indulging in cosplay.

Kid said...

Maybe Wanda pretended to be an actress called Sophia Loren as a secret identity, BS. That's why we all fell under her 'spell'.

John Pitt said...

I Wanda who else you have lined up for us?
Ready for our usual New Year's Eve, Kid? No hangovers for us in the morning, eh?

Kid said...

Not on New Year's Day, JP - nor any other day of the week for me.

Anonymous said...

I didn't look closely enough at that Scarlet Witch image - she really does look like Sophia Loren at that !! - I don't ever get hungover either but I do like a drink, I can't really imagine Christmas without alcohol. But New Year's Eve is a bit like my birthday - I know it's important but I find it hard to drum up any enthusiasm. Yet another year to face. My only new year tradition is a box of chocolates - I don't eat chocolates at any other time but I buy a box especially to open on New Year's Eve, this year it's a box of 'Famous Names'. A couple of glasses of sherry and some chocolates help to lighten what for me is a rather depressing time - people complain about the "enforced jollity" of Christmas but it's far worse on new Year's Eve in my opinion.

Kid said...

I thought there was a little touch of Madonna about the face as well - even 'though Madge and Sophy look nothing alike. (We're the best of pals, so they won't mind me being so familiar.) Personally, I hate New Year, CJ - roll on the 3rd. Have a good one anyway - and that goes for everyone.

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