Thursday 18 December 2014


Copyright DC COMICS

Wow, look - it's JACK KIRBY's
BIG BARDA, as drawn by BRUCE
TIMM.  NEW GENESIS, here I come!
(Anyone know when the next BOOM
 TUBE's due?  Barda's waiting.)


baab said...

I don't comment on pin-ups but hey,Big Barda!

Kid said...

You don't comment on pin-ups? That's a crime around these here parts - but I'll let you off 'Scott Free'! (See what I did there?)

SUBZERO said...

Thanks for the reminder. I always had the feeling DC didn´t know what to do with Big Barda after Kirby left. Well, with the entire Fourt World when you look at it right. The only guys who know how to handle that are Starlin and Simonson.

Kid said...

Although I quite enjoyed the John Byrne series at the time, Subby. I'm not even sure that Kirby himself knew what to do with it, but his was the best version. (Thought Hunger Dogs was terrible 'though.)

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