Sunday 30 November 2014


Well, it's been quiet on the ol' Blogging front around here for the last few weeks, beyond what I'd intended.  Reason is because I've been busy clearing up the mess after some work in my house - and because I'd locked my internet hub in a filing cabinet and then mislaid the key.  I've given myself some extra work by breaking into the cabinet to retrieve the hub and get online again, as I'll now have to find time to repair it.
Unfortunately, posts are still going to be a bit sparse because all my comics are still packed away and I've got some decorating to do before everything is back to normal.  However, hopefully I'll be able to ease myself back into the routine of regular Blogging before too long.  So tell me - is there anybody still out there?
In the meantime, here's JACQUELINE BISSET in our Babe of the Day feature to tide you over.


  1. Hi Kid, still here and looking forward to the resumption of normal service now that you seem to be seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with your upheavals. We had a recent reshuffle in our house, though limited only to the study. While it provided an opportunity to better organize things you then had to re-learn where everything was in the new improved order!

  2. Hi Phil, glad to know there's still some of you out there. Light is indeed at the end of the tunnel, but it's still a long tunnel, unfortunately. We'll get there in the end.

  3. Welcome back, mate! Great to hear from you again and good luck with the night tidy up/ sort out!

  4. Thanks, JP. I'd be happy if it only took a night, but I fear I'm going to be busy for weeks. alas.

    1. Sorry Kid, I typed that message on my mobile and for some reason damn predictive text changed "big" to night! GRRR! Feckin' phone!
      I know it'll take ages to sort the whole house out! Good luck, anyways!

  5. Nice to hear from you. Been checking out some of your old posts when I get a chance. Good stuff. May be remodeling at my house soon, but previous experience with it enables me to feel your pain right now. Good luck.

  6. Good to see you back Kid, hope all the work in your house went smoothly.

  7. Hello!

    Sorry to hear about the filing cabinet. Look up some pictures of Asia Argento, that ought to cheer you up.

  8. Yeahhhh great to see your on the way back, I ve missed my (almost) daily fix of comics and nostalgia chat. Glad you got the heater etc sorted out (I know the mess that can leave behind as had similar about 5 years ago) - don't worry about folk coming back I ve seen a few people asking about your return on a couple of other blogs (all good) .

  9. Thanks, Graham. Hope the work in your house goes well.


    'Smoothly' isn't quite the word I'd use, DD, but at least it's all over - apart from my side of things, that is.


    Ta, THB. I'll Google that name in a moment.


    Hi, McScotty. Still going to be a few weeks before everything is back to normal. Funny how one thing can affect one's life so much, eh? The biggest mishap was losing the last message from a friend (now deceased) from my answering machine when the 'phone was unplugged while a carpet was being laid. Gone forever, alas.

  10. Good heavens Kid - you're back !! - I meant to check in last night while I was looking at some other blogs but forgot. At least the worse is over anyway and you can prepare for Christmas now, eh ? My roof hasn't been fixed yet but the work is due to be completed by December 12th and shouldn't be too much of a bother. That's really sad about your friend's final message.

  11. Thanks, Col. Hope things go without a hitch as regards the roof.

  12. Glad to see you back Kid. Hope you haven't been too stressed out by it all...

  13. Not so much stressed as just worn out by it all, Cer. And there's still loads to do - like unpacking everything again. Phew!

  14. Nae bother, JP, and ta much.

  15. Relax and take your time.
    I understand how long these things take.
    I have literally worn my elbows away while renovating a flat which i guessed would take me a month.
    Six months later,nae elbows!

    And when you do pore over your stash again, I bet it inspires you,and you will be double posting every day.

  16. Thanks, Baab. I'm having a lazy day today because I'm absolutely knackered. Need to build up my energy reserves for what lies ahead.

  17. See? Your old mates totally understand and will all always be here for you! You have no worries on that score!

  18. Always nice to know that one's efforts are appreciated, JP. Ta muchly all.

  19. Kid, in a recent comment you said maybe you had too much stuff so will you be getting rid of any of it - that would be a difficult choice I suppose. At least your attic didn't collapse under the weight of it all.

  20. I'll have to clear some stuff out, Col, but it'll be hard to do. So many memories...


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