Sunday 9 November 2014


Having a fly puff between takes is
golden girl SHIRLEY EATON in either
her swimming costume or her underwear
 - whichever one you prefer, amigos.


  1. Hiya, Kid, hope you enjoyed your birthday group debate with your cyber-buddies yesterday?
    Good luck with the building work tomorrow, hope it all goes smoothly. Will keep an eye on your blog.

  2. Was certainly interesting, eh, JP?

  3. Don't you run the risk of alienating your hordes of hardcore feminist followers with postings like this?

  4. You mean they might object to a picture of a woman smoking a cigarette because feminists smoke pipes and cigars?

  5. Kid, it's a good thing this work you're having done (whatever it is) is being done now - it would have been really depressing if you'd had to take down your Xmas decorations. Now it'll all be out of the way before christmas. I've just discovered water leaking through my bedroom ceiling so now that'll have to be sorted out - this bloody rain is relentless :(

  6. I'm seeing hairline cracks in the ceiling of one of my upstairs rooms, CJ. I just hope it's not my boxes about to fall through. I've no idea if they (the cracks) were already there or not. I won't be able to reach my Christmas decorations until I can get these boxes back down to my rooms, so I can't wait until the work is done. Hope it's not your water tank that's leaking.

  7. No, it's definitely not my water tank - it's the roof leaking. I did wonder about the weight of all those boxes in your attic, Kid !! Well, good luck with it all anyway and keep blogging as much as you can.

    1. Sorry to hear about your roof, Col. These problems pick their times. Hope you too get your house sorted soon.

  8. And good luck with getting your roof fixed, CJ. Blogging may be a bit quiet for a day or so - I'll have to wait and see how thing go.

  9. Ross must be talking about the likes of Corporal Clegg and Sad Sack Milliband in their £45 feminist t-shirts!

    Apparently when Miss Eaton was painted gold her tummy area was left bare. Not because she would stop breathing if fully covered, just that why paint what can't be seen by Mr Bond?


  10. Or the audience, Ken.


    Hope your roof is now sorted, CJ.


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