Sunday 7 September 2014


To be honest, I don't think I've
ever heard any of her music - or if I
have, I don't remember it - but she's
 certainly a babe.  RIHANNA.


Anonymous said...

I only know one of her songs - "Umbrella" from 2007 which was No.1 for ages I believe. One should really keep up with the young people and their happenin' tunes. Seriously though, most modern music is sh*te with all this rap and hip-hop but there's still good stuff around - on my tablet I've got four downloaded albums all from the last two years.

Kid said...

Knowing her name is an achievement for someone my age, CJ. I bet there's not many youngsters who'd know any of the singers I like. I was once briefly seeing a woman who was 11 years younger than me, and she didn't know who Bela Lugosi or Boris Karloff were. She know Bela's name, but only because she'd heard it in a modern song. I do like some modern music 'though - just not all of it.

Anonymous said...

Kid, I should be shocked at somebody not knowing who Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi are but sadly there's an astonishing amount of ignorance about - there are plenty of young people who've never heard of Winston Churchill and I remember some university students being interviewed who'd never heard of the Jewish holocaust in World War 2. There was a recent survey which said that modern 11 year olds are no more intelligent than 11 year olds in the '70s even though they have all the knowledge of the internet to draw on. But there's not much point living next to a library if you never go in.

Kid said...

I think part of the problem is that, in my day (and even saying that makes me feel old) families tended to gather in the living room (central heating wasn't too widespread back in the '60s) and watched what their parents watched on TV. That's how I knew about Hope & Crosby, James Cagney, etc., etc. Nowadays, kids spend their time in their rooms with their own TVs and watch what they want. That's one of the reasons why the generation gap has become even wider in modern times. There are other factors too, of course.

TwoHeadedBoy said...

Speaking as a (comparative) "youngster" (with all the cheek of one as well!), I can tell you that's a VERY old picture of Rihanna - she's covered nearly head-to-toe in tattoos these days.

Also, with the occasional exception of that Umbrella song, she's definitely of the "better seen and not heard" variety.

And I'll agree with most modern music being tosh, but then, the same could be said of ANY decade. I loved almost everything in the 1990s, but if I was the age then that I was now, I'd probably've hated it all. Just what happens with getting older, I suppose.

Kid said...

I think we all have a preference for the things we grew up with, THB. Having said that, when it comes to music, I prefer well-written lyrics I can understand - and a nice melody. And when it comes to comics, strips that are funny and well-drawn.

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