Tuesday 9 September 2014


Appeared in SWAMP THING
and loads of other films that I've never
seen and probably never even heard of,
but ain't she a babe!  It's the stunning


Simon B said...

Of course, her best role was in John Carpenter's The Fog. Not a classic movie by any means, but she was great in it...

Staz Johnson said...

You've never seen 'Escape From New York', Kid? Seriously?

Kid said...

Never seen The Fog, Cerebus, think I've seen Escape From New York (on telly), Staz - forgot she was in it 'though.

Rip Jagger said...

Of all the many curvaceous ladies you've featured, Barbeau is the one who most earns the status of "Babe". She is all that!

Rip Off

Staz Johnson said...

Escape' is a terrific movie, very much of it's time of course, but no worse for that. That, & Mad Max 2 were massive influences on the comic art I was doing (more accurately 'trying' to do, I was only 16 after all) at that time. I think that both featured anti-heroes straight out of the 2000AD mold probably had something to do with it (I was a 2000AD nut back then!)

I always liked John Carpenter's early movies, but his dreadful synthesizer scores always grated on me. They used to make such a big deal of how cool it was that the director also did the music, & to me it just sounded like a 15 year old messing about on his Bontempi organ!.

Anonymous said...

Kid, The Fog is brilliant, really scary - I'm amazed you've never seen it !

Kid said...

She's certainly a babe, Rip, but the others sure aren't no slouches either. (Why do I suddenly sound as if I come from the Bronx?)


Staz, I feel the same about artists who letter their own work - when they clearly can't. Did you ever see FF #273? (John Byrne.)


Maybe one day, CJ - maybe one day.

Staz Johnson said...

LOL.. I hadn't seen that FF comic, but a quick Google image search later & I can see what you mean. That's pretty bad. I'm surprised on two accounts 1) that JB could be bothered to handle the lettering in addition to the penciling & (I assume) writing for what? An extra 10 bucks a page? and 2) that it got through Marvel's quality control. I'm sure they will have had a bunch of people who could have re-lettered that in the bullpen/production office back in those days.

John Pitt said...

Well I haven't seen Swamp Thing, but seen the sequel ( was Heather Locklear in it? Must check ), but did see the other 2. Col's right , The Fog was a good movie, but even better was Carpenter's " The Thing " ( even though it does take about an hour to get started! ) - best use of animatronics I've seen!
EFNYC wasn't bad either. Curious that Staz should make the comparison with 2000 AD, because the ' head monsters ' were very similar to those in Slaine! But who copied who?

Kid said...

I suspect it was an ego thing for him, Staz, and that Marvel were indulging him because of his status at the time. When he switched to doing it on computer, it was slightly better, but there was too much space between certain letters and within the balloons. See my post about 'Moebius At Marvel' (in the Popular Posts section) for more on the subject.


If anyone copied anyone, JP, the comic copied the movie. Escape was released (so didn't have to escape - little pun there) in 1981, whereas Slaine first appeared in 1983.

John Pitt said...

That doesn't surprise me one bit, as 2000 AD, much as I loved them, were shameless tea - leaves!!

Kid said...

Well, M.A.C.H. 1 was clearly copied from The Six Million Dollar Man, so you may be onto something there, JP.

Staz Johnson said...

I have long had my suspicions of the 'influence' EFNY had on another 2000AD character (when I say 'influence', I mean it's a dead cribb on toothy's part).

See this post on my blog for more details (copy & paste)...


Kid said...

Left a comment over on the post, Staz.

Simon B said...

I've just remembered that Adrienne was also in Creepshow! Have you seen that film, Kid? She has a whale of a time, playing Hal Holbrook's abusive, alcoholic wife. He ends up feeding her to a monster that closely resembles the old Tasmanian Devil from the Warner Bros cartoons :-)

Kid said...

It sounds familiar, Cer, but I've been a little ill with periods in bed the last couple of days, so my brain isn't functioning as it should. Once I'm more focussed I should remember if I've seen it or not.

Simon B said...

Sorry to hear that, mate. get well soon.

Kid said...

Thanks, Cer - nothing major, but you know what we men are like when we're ill.

Anonymous said...

Kid, I'm not surprised you feel ill looking at the latest news on the referendum - I thought the NO side would win easily, WTF is happening ?! Come on, it's time for you to roll out your master-plan for saving the Union !!

Kid said...

Were you listening to Radio 4 the other day, CJ? Apparently, the polls being touted as showing an increase in the Yes vote, didn't show any such thing - until they had been adjusted for some vague, indiscernible reason that I didn't quite catch. My master plan involves the Daleks, so perhaps I'd better wait to see how things are going.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you've got my hopes up now Kid - it's still nail-biting though. This may be a controversial thing to say but Britain is a parliamentary democracy and shouldn't it be Parliament that decides if the country splits apart or not (or leaves the EU or not) - how has Alex Salmond even got the power to do this and anyway shouldn't a referendum on the future of Britain involve the whole of Britain, after all Scotland leaving the UK has enormous consequences for all of us not just Scotland. I'm not against the Scottish parliament or anything - in fact I believe in the regions having more power over their own affairs - but the power to hold a referendum on breaking away is too excessive. Does that mean the London Assembly could hold a referendum on turning London into an independent city-state ? If Scotland goes it'll be Catalonia leaving Spain next.

Kid said...

Well, Parliament has decided that it's up to Scotland to decide whether it wants to leave the union, and although I hear what you're saying, look at it this way. If four brothers shared a house and one decided to leave, if the other three didn't want him to, should they have a say in the matter? Surely the fate of the individual is the choice of the individual, and surely the same principle should apply in the case of Nations?

Unknown said...

Im afraid I'm very much in the "Yes" camp but I would be very very surprised if it was "Yes" so if you're wanting it to be a "No" I wouldn't worry to much BUT it will be close the gap has undoubtably closed in the last few months - There were 5 polls released last week only one had the "yes" camp in front but 3 had it a tie 1 had 4% lead to the "NO" camp (whichI think is probably correct).

Kid said...

Poor Adrienne - she must be feeling very neglected. I'm for a 'no' myself, McScotty, but I'll live with it either way. Some of the 'yes' camp haven't exactly distinguished themselves with their bully-boy behaviour and there's one thing I know for sure. Politicians always tell you what they think you want to hear when they're looking for your vote. Voting 'yes' is too much of a gamble, whereas, voting 'no', at the very least we won't be any worse off than before.

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