Saturday, 16 August 2014


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When I looked through my recently acquired TV COMIC Annual for 1968 and read the MIGHTY MOTH strips drawn by DICK MILLINGTON, I found myself having a hearty chuckle at them.  Well-written, well-drawn, simple and to the point - what's not to like?  In fact, I got more chuckles out of those few strips than any number of BEANO strips (excepting CALAMITY JAMES) over the last few years.

Is it just my imagination or are modern comics simply not as funny as they used to be back in the'50s and '60s?  You tell me.  Here are a couple of Mighty Moth strips to judge for yourself.  Let me know what you think.  And there'll be more to follow in upcoming posts, you lucky devils!


  1. Of course comics are not as funny as they used to be. What do you expect with a bunch of humourless tosspots cranking them out in between starting internet flame wars and writing self-congratulatory guff on their blogs?

  2. I think that, in quite a few cases, it's a case of who you know, rather than what you know. What else can explain such mediocre art and scripts in a lot of today's comics?

  3. If you can dig out some of Dick Millington's Basil Brush strips from TV Comic that would be dandy!

  4. Next time I dig them out, I'll do just that, Lee.

  5. No they are not as funny. Even back in the 90's I bought all the DC Thomson annuals one year for the grandkid and naturally I had to read them first. But there was nothing to even make me smile!

  6. One of the few 'recent' Annuals to make me laugh was a Bash Street Kids Annual that I got from a charity shop, JP. That was funny, but so few modern ones are. It's because they're aiming them at infants nowadays, it seems to me.

  7. That and political correctness!!

  8. That and some of the contributors not being as talented as the old guard in bygone years, methinks.


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