Friday 15 August 2014


Characters copyright relevant and respective owners

Take a look at the above cover - ADAM ADAMANT and ORLANDO takes me right back to the '60s as I used to watch both programmes when I was a kid.  If I remember correctly, Orlando (SAM KYDD) was a spin-off from CRANE, which starred  PATRICK ALLEN.  (Curiously, I seem to remember the name of the show as 'This Man Crane' - wonder why?)

However, that's not what I want to talk about in relation to this TV COMIC Annual for 1968 (released in '67), which I received today.  No, look at the DALEKS in the bottom left-hand corner - as far as I can determine, although they had appeared in the weekly, this was the only time that they appeared on and in the actual Annual, making it a nice little collectors' item.

In the following tale, note that the Daleks appear to speak even after their metal casings are destroyed, giving the impression that the Doctor and his companions haven't actually killed them. (And it's highly unlikely that rocks hurled by mere humans would ever have been capable of inflicting the level of damage displayed.) Incidentally, the strip looks like the work of artist PATRICK WILLIAMS to me. Can anybody confirm?

One great thing about this book is that it's got a fair number of MIGHTY MOTH strips, drawn by the dashing DICK MILLINGTON, and they're very funny indeed. I'll be showing some of them in upcoming posts, so stay tuned, to this, the absolutely best blog called CRIVENS! that you've ever read.  (Or perhaps you just look at the pictures?)


  1. These look like they are drawn by the artist who did the Wall's ice lolly cards. Never seen this strip before, so thanks for posting it.

  2. I believe the cards were by the same artist, JP, but I misremembered his name as Pat Nichols, instead of Pat Williams. I've corrected it. (My ol' memory's failing me.)

  3. Do you also have the previous annual? My brother used to have it and I'd like to see the 2 DW strips again. I don't believe they were ever reprinted in Classic Comics either.

  4. Unfortunately, I don't have that one, JP - but I'll be keeping a look out for it now.

  5. Correction, it was the '69 annual be used to have, not the '67!

  6. I think I'll try getting some more '60s TV Comic Annuals, JP - they're rather nice.


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