Sunday 17 August 2014


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I love MIGHTY MOTH.  Surely every right-thinking comics reader feels the same in regard to the diminutive lepidopteran, who appeared in the pages of TV COMIC for just over 25 years.  DICK MILLINGTON created, wrote and drew the strip (which appeared for the first time in issue #384, cover-dated June 14th 1959), and the formula was pretty much the same as ODHAMS' (and later IPC's) FRANKIE STEIN, in that 'dad' was always trying to rid himself of his unwanted 'house guest'.

Anyway, in my efforts to share my comic strip treasures with all you panting panelologists, here are another two Mighty Moth escapades from the TV Comic Annual for 1968, to give you a chuckle or three and lighten and brighten your day.


  1. Fantastic!

  2. I took part in a competition around 1970 ish. (TV comic I think)
    You had to send in a hand drawn cartoon. I'd ticked Mighty Moth as my favourite character and recieved a postcard with the moth's picture. " from Mighty Moth and Dad"

  3. Wish I had one of those. Still got it?


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