Sunday 17 August 2014


When it comes to CATWOMAN,  I have to admit to nursing divided loyalties with regard to whom I prefer as the feline filly.  JULIE NEWMAR was magnificent in the role, but I've a soft spot in my heart for the equally impressive LEE MERIWETHER, who stepped into Miss Newmar's kitty-cossie for the 1966 BATMAN movie.  You can see my problem, Julie or Lee?  In a perfect world I could have both of them.  Hey, what am I talking about?  I do have both - and so do you!  For the moment though, you'll have to be content with just Lee.  The delectable Julie will be our babe at a later date.


  1. Kid, will you go for the hat-trick and include Eartha Kitt ?

  2. Undoubtedly, CJ - undoubtedly.

  3. Either one would make balancing a tray of marbles on my lap a task beyond the my capabilities, I'm saying Julie but it's close.

  4. Too close for me to call, DSE. Lee has that sultry Jane Russell kind of look that I go for. Julie, while stunning, has a sort of vacuous look on her kipper.

  5. I'm the same, I couldn't choose between the two. But DEFINITELY not Halle Berry. - That cat food, remember?

  6. I probably wouldn't be able to taste it on her after my nightly meal of Pedigree Chum, JP.


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