Friday 1 August 2014


It's actress JANET LEIGH again,
in what I suppose is a publicity still from
a movie - though I don't have a clue as to
which one.  Anyone know?  Anyway, she
certainly is one 'hot' babe, yessirree!


Standby4action said...

She wore similar stuff in Houdini but pass! It looks completely rigged up to me

Kid said...

She looks as if she's standing by for action, so, given your name, it seems like your luck's in. Lucky guy.

Anonymous said...

I can only think of three films I've seen her in - Prince Valiant, Psycho and The Fog. I don't want to be mean but I don't think Jamie Lee Curtis inherited either of her parents' good looks.

Kid said...

Did you see her in True Lies, CJ? I wouldn't be saying no, that's for sure. (And I'm fussy, believe me.) Straight down to Vision Express with you, young man.

Gey Blabby said...

Kid Rodelo is the film, and the first six minutes are on Youtube. It looks as bad as that publicity photo suggests.
They made quite a few westerns from Louis L'Amour books (also the Leone westerns) over in Spain in the late sixties - Shalako (Sean Connery), Catlow (Yul Brynner/Leonard Nimoy) - and this was another, although much more obscure.
It's hard to believe that Janet Leigh would be reduced to making stuff like this just a few years after starring in Psycho, Touch Of Evil and The Manchurian Candidate, but I suppose films like that were the exception rather than the norm. It couldn't have been easy for Jamie Lee Curtis having those two for parents, always being compared to them, but she did alright for herself: a mother in Psycho and a daughter in Halloween isn't bad for one family.

Kid said...

And don't forget that her father was the Boston Strangler, GB. Ta for the info.

TC said...

Offhand, I can also think of Holiday Affair, with Robert Mitchum; The Naked Spur, with James Stewart and Robert Ryan; Harper, with Paul Newman; and The Spy In the Green Hat, with Robert Vaughn and David McCallum. The latter was compiled from two episodes of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. I think Janet once said that she agreed to guest star on that show because her daughters, Jamie Leigh and Kelly, were both fans.

Jamie Leigh is sorta-kinda cute, in a gawky, horse-faced kind of way. And Kelly is moderately attractive.

Kid said...

Jamie and Kelly are shattered by your assessment of their looks, TC (just spoke to them). They've always considered you a devastatingly attractive individual, so are understandably upset that you don't share that same high opinion of them.

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