Monday 5 May 2014


Images copyright relevant owner

Now here's a surprise!  When I did my first post on DELUXE COMICS' WALLY WOOD'S T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS, it was intended only as a one-off.  However, I revised what is now part one, adding images to it and moving some from there to here - alongside new images in this second instalment.  So check out the first post again at this link - either before or after you read this one - because I'd hate for you to miss anything.  (Yes, I really am that caring!)

The good thing about the short-lived Deluxe Comics series was that, art-wise (in the main), the stories looked as if they could have come from the original TOWER COMICS issues.  I wasn't wild about KEITH GIFFEN's artwork on LIGHTNING - I'm not convinced that his style is best-suited to a character with super-speed - and there was simply far too much blank space on some of his pages.  However, DAVE COCKRUM's art, inked by MURPHY ANDERSON, really hit the spot.  I could've done without the swearing and 'sex' scenes (nothing graphic, but completely unnecessary in my view), but overall, I'd say that the 5 issue run is the best revival yet of the '60s super-agents.

Incidentally, the cover illustration (by GEORGE PEREZ) for #3 was also used as the 'next issue' visual on the back cover of #2, but a change was made after the fact.  Did any of you Crivs spot it?  Jump back to part one to compare and see of you make a good Sherlock.

Like what you see here?  Might be worth visiting eBay then, and adding them to your own collection.  Go on - do it now!


  1. Is it part of the Maiden's mask is removed, so that Dynamo's not kissing iron?

  2. Nope - try again. It's really obvious.

  3. Oh yeah, different line - up down the sides! - couldn't concentrate, - my eyes kept getting drawn further down the page to Phoenicia!!

  4. Based on George Perez's wife, JP -who was a belly dancer under the name of Phoenicia.


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