Sunday 25 May 2014


Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS.  Copyright DC COMICS

Time once again to visit our spectacular gallery of NEAL ADAMS' stunning cover art for various BATMAN and related titles, such as DETECTIVE COMICS, BRAVE & The BOLD and WORLD'S FINEST COMICS, etc.  I first read the contents of Batman #227 in the book, BATMAN From The '30s To The '70s, and managed to acquire the actual issue many years later.  A true classic, in a similar vein to The SECRET Of The WAITING GRAVES, and I wish that Batman comics were as entertaining now as they were way back then.

The cover of Detective Comics #405 is very similar to The DEMON #2, and one can't help but wonder if KIRBY swiped the layout as they seem far too 'samey' for it to be coincidence.  What's the old saying again?  "Good artists imitate, great artists steal."  (There are variations of the line, usually attributed to PABLO PICASSO.)  If you want to compare the covers, click here and you can make up your own minds.

Anyway, enthralled as I'm sure you all are by my erudite and entertaining exposition, it's really the pictures you tune in here for, so I won't hold you back from them any longer.  I'm as considerate as I am modest humble, shy and retiring, I'm sure you'll agree.  Enjoy - and don't forget to leave a comment of appreciation for Mr. Adams' art.  You wouldn't want him to feel ignored now, would you?!  That would never do.
Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

Pencils & inks by NEAL ADAMS

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