Friday 4 April 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Right, let's not waste a second - there are ten lovely FANTASTIC FOUR covers to be savoured, so let's get straight into them.  If you have any favourites, don't be shy about telling your fellow Criv-ites all about them in the comments section.


  1. They look really good comics, I recall losing interest in mainstream comics around this time (getting more into Love and Rockets etc) and must have only picked up the odd issue of Byrnes latter run on FF ( read the first 6 or 7 which were great ) Really must consider picking up this collected set soon - love the covers to issue 263 & 268 the most.

  2. 268 is certainly a belter, eh? I've had all of these comics since they first came out, but I still bought the two volume Omnibus editions as well. Start saving now, McScotty.

  3. Kid, what happened to the cover for January? The last batch ended with December 1983 (I just checked) and this one starts with February. These covers come after I'd stopped buying comics (till 2007 anyway) so can you tell me why She-Hulk replaced the Thing? I've long known that she did but I've never known why. I had a few of the She-Hulk's original run in the early '80s and I preferred her when she was still considered dangerous/feared by the masses etc and not so much when she became "safe" which seemed to start with her membership of the FF and continues to this day. I wouldn't mind reading the John Byrne FF again but when I look in Forbidden Planet they only have FF Marvel Essential volumes up to 1974 - the stories that were later printed in Complete FF so well before Byrne's run.

  4. Kid made a boo-boo is what happened, CJ, but it's fixed now. She-Hulk replaced the Thing because he was off on the Beyonder's planet in the wake of the Secret Wars, pursuing his own adventures. (As related in his own mag.) Even when he returned to Earth, he didn't rejoin the FF straight away.

    I believe there was some Marvel Visionaries books featuring JB's run, so it might be worth looking out for them. Failing that, fork out for the Omnibus volumes.

  5. Thanks for that, Kid - I don't know anything about Secret Wars except that Spidey got his black costume. I remember hearing about that costume even though I wasn't reading any comics at the time so I can only think that I must have read it in a newspaper on even seen it on the news ! It's possible they'd have mentioned a big change like that.

  6. It was certainly mentioned in comics-related 'news' magazines, CJ, so even if you weren't reading comics at the time, it was hard to miss.


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