Wednesday 2 April 2014



Funny how you forget things, isn't it?  For instance, I must have had this  COR!! Annual for 1972 at one time, but I don't really have any firm recollections of it - although, as I study the cover, it starts to seem faintly familiar, like some dim, elusive, half-remembered dream.  I know I had it though, because it contains all six episodes of JASPER The GRASPER, drawn by KEN REID, which I first read many years ago - but not in the pages of WHAM!, the comic in which they first appeared in 1965.  (I didn't buy that particular periodical until it started publishing The FANTASTIC FOUR in '66.)

So, as I say, I know I had it - and now I've got it again!  So here's the cover for all you crazed Criv-ites to gaze upon.  And remember - "You can't make a monkey out of Gus!"


  1. When I see old comics covers on the internet they fall into three categories: 1) Ones that I never forgot 2) Ones that I forgot but remember instantly when I see them again and 3) Ones that I still don't remember after seeing them again even though I know I had them - memory is definitely a strange thing!

  2. It's just as well that I've got a good memory for faces - 'cos my shaving mirror's broken.

  3. I`m sure i owned that annual also,although i`m sure it was not a Christmas gift,as most of them were.The noughts and crosses cover rings bells in my memory banks.Would love to see inside to re-affirm this.

  4. I don't think it's a particularly brilliant cover (good idea 'though), which is probably why it's only vaguely familiar to me. Also, I may not have kept the book for long, and perhaps that's why it never made a great impression on me. I know I read those Jasper The Grasper strips 'though. You can have a look at the book the next time you're along, Moony.


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