Saturday 1 March 2014



Way back in 1976 and '77, I bought the MONSTER FUN Annuals for '77 & '78, but for some curious reason never bought the one for '79.  I say curious because I always try to buy at least the first three issues of any new comic or Annual, so how the third MF book escaped my clutches I can't quite say.  I recently remedied that when I managed to obtain one 36 years down the line, so here they are in a mini cover gallery, along with the Annual for 1984 for good measure.  Hope you enjoy them.


  1. The 1979 annual cover is fantastic one of the best annual covers I have seen - it wouldn't have been out of place in the 60s (1978's is very funny as well) are they all by Robert Nixon ?

  2. The first three are by Nixon, McScotty. The '84 one looks as if it might be by Mike Lacey.

  3. I'm sure you're probably aware of this Kid, but Irmantas over at Kazoop is starting a series on Monster Fun comic:

  4. Thanks, George. Yes, I was aware of it and will be no doubt enjoy it, as I do with all Irmantas's posts. Incidentally, I wasn't jumping on the bandwagon - I showed the Annual covers merely because I managed to acquire the third one a few days ago.


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