Sunday 2 March 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Alas, alack!  Rend your garments and shed a tear, for we've now reached the end of our sequential run of The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL cover galleries.  From now on, any MWOM covers featured here may tend to jump around a bit, but there's bound to be something to appeal to the discerning Marvelite.  So despair not, o seekers of the truth and bearers of the flame eternal.  (My, that 'How to write like STAN LEE' correspondence course certainly comes in handy.)

Anyway, that's enough purple prose from me - now it's time to look at the pictures.


  1. It's always nice to look at these covers from the first two years of Marvel UK even though I wasn't reading them yet - it's such a simple time before the dreaded musical chairs of mergers that was to come. I always preferred the Sandman in his stripey jumper rather than the garish costume he's wearing here. I look forward to your future MWOMs, Kid - I started reading it around No. 170.

  2. Issue 65 with the Sandman always sticks out in my memory as the paper boy didn't deliver it to my house so I had to walk to the shop to get it, Being about 13 at the time (looked about 8) , I was a bit embarrassed at still reading comics (strange as then it was the norm) and the newsagent made such a song and dance about getting my comic making suggestion I was too old to read them (if he only knew I still am lol) I wasn't helped but what I thought then was a really garish cover (it is but it looks better than I recall)- I agree with Colin, the original is a much better costume glad they used that in the Spidey film

  3. Looking at that costume, Col and McScotty, it looks like a Kirby design - probably created for Sandman as a member of the Frightful Four.

  4. Can't tell you how much I've enjoyed following this series ( and SMCW). I suppose I 'll have to find any missing issues on the Marvel UK wiki. Oh well plenty more to look forward to!

  5. Thanks for the offer, JP, but the comic you mention has no nostalgic associations for me, so I think I'll pass. Thanks anyway.

  6. Colin, this costume of Sandman's is actually more garish than it should be, as there seems to be a different colorist clocking in on this MWOM cover than when this new costume design was originally presented in Fantastic Four #61. And Kid, you're in the ballpark--the costume was a design of the Sandman himself (via Jack Kirby), but one or two of its built-in devices came courtesy of the Wizard (presumably after the evil FF took a hiatus once Medusa departed).

  7. Thanks for expanding on my brief comment, CF. I should have looked it up in my Omnibus editions, but I had a vague memory of it being a Kirby design and it's typical of the costumes he came up with.

  8. Seems to be a comment from JP missing somewhere - did I accidentally delete it, or did I just reply in the wrong post? Who knows?!


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