Saturday 29 March 2014


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The above strip, from The PENGUIN BOOK Of COMICS, is the very first The WIZARD Of ID strip I ever saw, back in the early 1970s.  It gave me such a chuckle that I later bought a couple of paperback collections of the Wiz's newspaper strips, and very funny they were too.  I'd highly recommend them to all you Criv-ites.  (Below is a version I coloured myself.)


  1. I remember a lot of these type of strips ( Crock, Garfield, BC etc) being reprinted in the traditional paperback format in the early 70s for 50p and recall picking up loads of them in Woolworth'e who had a great stock of them at the time - Wizard of Id is as you say well worth a read very funny in places (as was BC - although some folk never liked that) TItan books have done 2 hard back volumes that are really lovely looking (similar to their great Beetle Bailey book) worth picking up if you cant find the paperback reprints (which are usually very tatty if you ever see any.

  2. I've got at least one B.C. paperback, McScotty. Hagar is another one that provides a hearty chuckle. I've got full colour albums of Hagar (like Asterix albums) as well as a paperback or two. Top stuff.

    The King is a Fink!

  3. Kid, Hagar the Horrible is what I thought of straight away when I saw this.Of course this means admitting to reading The Sun in the 1980's where Hagar was printed. I hasten to add that I under no circumstances bought The Sun myself but I did regularly read other people's copies and it was worthwhile just for the wonderful Hagar.I didn't know there were colour Hagar collections.

  4. I hasten to add that I DID buy the Sun - mainly for Hagar, but also for a couple of other things on page 3. (Now what could they have been I wonder?) I'm not sure, but I think I first encountered Hagar in the pages of Mighty TV Comic.

  5. I think it's still published in my paper.

  6. You're a lucky guy then, Chris - I wish it was published in mine.


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